Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration, AMD, is the leading cause of vision loss and legal blindness in Brisbane. Very few optometry clinics in Brisbane have experience, medical instruments and vision-enhancing aids to diagnose and recover your visual independence from this blinding eye disease. Our Low Vision Clinic will retain your visual independence to read, see TV, computers, faces, walk safely and potentially even drive.  

 We feature: 

  • Genetic testing to determine your predisposition for AMD.
  • Vision-enhancing aids for the renewal of lost vision.
  • Comprehensive eye care to assess your risk factors, evaluate the health of your eyes and your visual capabilities.
  •  Only Practicing, Licensed, board certified Low Vision Therapist to “Get Your Life Back” from AMD.
  • Clinically proven nutritional supplements to prevent vision deterioration.
  • Cutting edge technology provides earlier diagnosis, allowing for earlier treatment and better vision results.
  • 13 years combined experience in macular degeneration eye care.
  • Counselling for the emotional aspects of vision loss.

Was bestowed the distinct privilege of selecting first-ever Elite Vision Team.  This small yet unique AMD vision-recovery team, features finest vision specialists, eye surgeons and occupational therapists for the first-ever eye surgery for macular degeneration, the Implantable Miniature Telescope. Click on the video below to learn more.

The importance of the macula. 

The retina is the nerve layer in the back of the eye where images form, much like the film in your camera. The macula is a very small area in the Centre of the retina. Although only the size of a pinhead, the macula is responsible for producing our clearest, most detailed vision. The macula controls vision in our central field of vision, the area you would see if you looked through a drinking straw. If the macula is damaged, central vision is reduced or even lost, but peripheral or side vision in unaffected. 

What is macular degeneration ? 

Macular degeneration is a slowly progressive disease that causes a reduction in central vision. In the early stages of the disease, the effect on vision may be minimal or unnoticeable. As the disease progresses, fine detail becomes more difficult to see, especially when reading small print. Vision may also appear distorted or parts of an object may appear to be missing. There is no pain associated with macular degeneration. There are two forms of macular degeneration: dry and wet. In the dry form, small deposits of material develop in the macula, causing mild to moderate decrease in vision. In the wet form, blood vessels under the retina leak fluid, causing a large scar to develop. This can result in severe vision loss. No one is completely sure what causes macular degeneration. Heredity, the environment, age and general health may all be factors. Recent studies indicate that exposure to ultraviolet radiation as well as deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals may also affect macular degeneration. Smoking has been linked to the more severe, or wet, form of macular degeneration. 

Treating macular degeneration

 At this time, there is no cure for macular degeneration, but at the Vision Centre offers only comprehensive Low Vision service. The very latest vision-enhancing aids are expertly prescribed to meet your vision goals while only licensed, board certified low vision therapist retains your independence to read, write, see TV, computers, faces and even drive. Many people can improve their vision by increasing the amount of glare free light used when reading. Special magnifying glasses, as well as special tints and lens coatings also increase contrast and improve clarity of vision. Specific vitamin and mineral supplements are used to slow down the progression of the disease.

Lowering the risk of vision loss

Early detection of macular degeneration through routine eye examinations is the first step in lowering the risk of vision loss. Stopping smoking is also highly recommended. Even in cases of severe vision loss, there are ways to maintain visual function, such as low-vision solutions at Low Vision Services, located in Las Vegas. The progression of macular degeneration in each individual patient is highly variable. Even in the most advanced cases, macular degeneration does not lead to blindness. The central area of vision may be significantly decreased, but peripheral, or side, vision remains clear.